PGP keys fails to install no valid openPGP data found


I am new to the elastic search technology and exploring my option with log analysis using Elastic search.
The first step that I saw in installing Elasticsearch in to install the PGP key as follows:
"wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -"

When I run the command I get an erro saying:
GPG: no valid OpenPGP data found.

I didn't succeed to come around this issue.
Can anyone help?

Using Ubuntu 14.04 on a VMWare


Managed to resolve it.
separated the command in to two commands and used directly the file name which was downloaded

Happened to me when I installed wget like this:

apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends wget

Probably your wget can't handle https.

i do have the same error but i can't only do the second part of the command "sudo apt-key add -" there is just nothing happen ...

after a while tera Term is closing the conection and don't let me in again