Elasticsearch Installation: gpg: no valid OpenPGP

Hello All,
When trying to install new instance of elasticsearch, I keep getting the below error message.

$ wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add -
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.

I've also tried on a new VM with no luck.
OS: Ubuntu Server 16.04

Thank you,

In this thread, a user solved the problem by running the command separately. Perhaps try that?

I just tried and it appears the first command goes through but the second gets stuck at a blank line. Am I supposed to just enter "sudo apt-key add -" on a new line?

sure do try the second portion after the wget

Yeah that's what I tried, the second portion just adds a new blank line on the command line and stays there until I ctrl+c

This can be closed. Still wasn't able to get it working so I did a manual install of .deb package with --no-check-certificate and did the hash check

Thank you.

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