Picking latest index in kibana dashboard

Hi, one idea I have is to set up an Index Alias. For example this will create the alias latest_somestaticname that points to 2019.07.18 indices:

POST /_aliases
    "actions" : [
        { "add" : { "index" : "somestaticname-*-.2019.07.18*", "alias" : "latest_somestaticname" } }

Then you can set up an index pattern that uses the alias latest_somestaticname instead of the time series index names and use that index pattern for the dashboard.

However this will require you to update the alias after the new indices are created each day. Would this be possible to integrate into your rollover workflow or a separate cron script?

Another similar idea is to use a Filtered Alias on the pattern somestaticname-*-* and filtering by some date field.