Plugin enhanced-table on Kibana cloud

Good morning,
we need to setup enhanced-table plugin on the Kibana AWS environment but at this moment it isn't not allowed. Please

Please consider that this plugin is widely used in on-premises environments and therefore we ask you to evaluate the possibility of allowing its integration also in a managed cloud environment.

Best regards,

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Hi @rituzza,

In recent versions the Lens editor has caught up a lot of feature available in that plugin. Perhaps you can consider evaluate the Lens datatable?

hi @Marco_Liberati
yes, I know the Lens and I am using this component for the new analyzes, but I have so many previous ones that I cannot migrate from on-premises environments to the cloud environment and I will have to recreate them from 0.
The lenses offer many features, but personally for data type tables I find the plugin clearer.

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We need this plugin too.

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@rituzza , is your deployment on Elastic Cloud?

@Marco_Liberati , my deployment is on the cloud only partially, because during the migration phase the inability to install the plugin slowed down my activity.
For my team it is a strong unexpected limitation.

I was asking because it depends where you have the cloud deployment.
You can read from the plugin issue here: Plugin on cloud · Issue #175 · fbaligand/kibana-enhanced-table · GitHub

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Hi @Marco_Liberati , my deployment is on AWS cloud that that dosn't allow the installation of 3rd party plugins; do you agree?

I take this opportunity to ask you one last question: is the document table part of the enhanced table plugin? I ask you because on the AWS cloud I can't even use this type of analysis

I do not understand from this if you are using the Elastic public cloud or else.

I take this opportunity to ask you one last question: is the document table part of the enhanced table plugin? I ask you because on the AWS cloud I can't even use this type of analysis

Do you mean Discover?

We have instances managed directly by elastic on the AWS cloud, I don't know if I was able to provide you with the necessary information

No, I am not referring to discover. We also have an on-premises environment in which we have installed the basic version of Kibana 7.14.1 with the enhanced-table plugin: when creating a new visualization I can choose from the items in the attached menu, in which with the "Document table "I have all the features of the enhanced table but for a detailed analysis, not aggregated.

From my understanding then you are using the public cloud which does not allow third party plugins.

That is a Kibana Enhanced Table custom visualization. From the project readme:

This project is a Kibana plugin that provides two visualizations:


  • Document Table (NEW): same thing than 'Enhanced Table' visualization, but for single documents (not aggregations). It especially allows to have enhanced features compared to a saved search (custom column labels, custom hits size, custom pagination, computed columns and filter bar).

Currently Discover is the Kibana way to go for this. There's an issue for Lens that you can track for something like the custom plugin feature: [Lens] Provide a datasource for individual documents · Issue #55897 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

@Marco_Liberati ,thank you very much for the feedback.

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