Point to Point (Lines) Have to Zoom in to show in Map

Have to zoom in to show more lines. Tried to increased the max result and there are more lines showing but still need to zoom in for more lines.

Is there anything else we could do to increase the point-to-point lines showing in Map?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Viola_Shen, welcome to Elastic community forum!!

You can inspect the query that is sent for any Map layer, for a Point to Point source using the sample Kibana Flights demo you can see it's like the following (folding the non relevant pieces).

    "size": 0,
    "aggs": {
        "destSplit": {
        "terms": {
            "script": {
            "source": "doc['DestLocation'].value.toString()",
            "lang": "painless"
            "order": {
            "_count": "desc"
            "size": 100
        "aggs": {
            "sourceGrid": {
            "geotile_grid": {
                "field": "OriginLocation",
                "precision": 4,
                "size": 500
            "aggs": {
                "sourceCentroid": {
                "geo_centroid": {
                    "field": "OriginLocation"
    "stored_fields": [...],
    "script_fields": {...},
    "docvalue_fields": [...],
    "_source": {...},
    "query": {...}

As you can see this layer type is made by a double aggregation called destSplit where the sizes of the outer and inner aggs are 100 and 500 respectively. I'm afraid those values are not configurable at this moment.

@nreese am I missing anything else that could help Viola?

@Viola_Shen Can you open an enhancement issue at https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/new?template=Feature_request.md describing your use case and how you would like to configure point 2 point layer to show more data.

Thank you so much Jorge.

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