Possible Bug with Links?


Links can be saved to library. So any changes to the Links panel should reflect to all instances of Links.

Current Issue:
It seems like if you apply Links settings in one dashboard.
And it doesn''t sync with Links in another dashboard.

Anyone else have this issue?

Hi @erikg,

Thanks for sharing. Which version are you seeing this issue?

If you think there's a potential bug, would you be happy to raise a GitHub bug report for the team to take a look?

Hope that helps!

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I see it on version: 8.12.2
I also have a dev environment with 8.14.0

I can create a GitHub issue, thanks!


Hey @erikg, I can't reproduce this in 8.12.2. Are you certain that both of the links panels are pointing to the same library item?

If so, a github issue with a video would be very helpful!

Hey @devon.thomson
It seems like the issue is from "Update Links" button in Links. If you have disabled settings and you click update links, it reverts back to enabled.

I will try to get a video but essentially

  1. make links panel
  2. add one dashboard
  3. disable settings
  4. save
  5. click into Links
  6. disable settings are there as expected
    7, the issue is when clicking "Update Links" when the settings are disabled.
  7. Save
  8. Look into the Link settings (settings are back to enabled)

[Links] 'Update Link' Reverts Disabled Options Back to Default Settings · Issue #186044 · elastic/kibana (github.com)

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Ah I see. Thank you for reporting this bug! We'll look into it ASAP.