Predict line in Kibana


I feel that it is possible to predict a curve
In the preview video below to 38minutes and 12s , the video shows the prediction curve using " predict "

The technique seems to be movavg aggregation :

But my problem is that I do not understand how to follow this example.
In Kibana, I do not understand where I have to slide out the conf
" the_movavg ": {
" moving_avg ": {
" buckets_path ": " the_sum "
"window" : 30,
"model" : "simple" ,
" predict " : 10

in the interface; Is json input in advanced ( in a graph under Visualize ) ?
I tried but it does not.

Does someone have an idea ?

My graph :

This fuction seems available since ElasticSearch 2.0.0-beta1.
I have elasticsearch-2.1.1

thank you !

Pipeline aggs aren't yet supported in KB, it's something we are working on -