I am using Elasticsearch 2.3.2, and Kibana-4.5. I have found from https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations-pipeline-movavg-aggregation.html which states that moving average can do predictions. I know it is possible to only make query in ES, but I am not sure how should I do that with kibana.
I have a logstash file which reads a csv log file storing CPU usage for every 15 seconds. Should I just include the following into the logstash output json file for the related index as an output mapping?
"buckets_path": "the_sum",
"window" : 30,
"model" : "holt_winters",
"settings" : {
"type" : "mult",
"alpha" : 0.5,
"beta" : 0.5,
"gamma" : 0.5,
"period" : 7,
"pad" : true
Is it possible to have it as a graph as to be shown in Kibana by letting Kibana to read ES query?