Problem configuring/using Uptime Lab

I am working on the Uptime lab. Item 4 states -

Configure monitors inline

Notice there is a sample monitor of type http with id my-monitor. Comment out or delete this monitor (but leave the heartbeat.monitors line in the config file).

I received the following error - Exiting: error loading config file: yaml: line 23: did not find expected key.

I am not sure what to comment out and I do not see a solution box to guide me.

@elasticrap can you please share your config file ? and which version of heartbeat are you using?

Hello Shahzad , I have no idea about heartbeat as I am in the uptime lab. Item 4 below is where I am confused. I am not sure what part to comment out.

I provided a screenshot of what I did comment out and the associated error.

Thank you for your time.

Lab 1.2 - Uptime


The goal of this lab is to use Heartbeat to monitor the uptime of various services, including the Pet Clinic client and server, the MySQL database, and your Elasticsearch instance.

  1. First of all, change directories into the heartbeat directory:

    []( heartbeat
  2. You will need to edit heartbeat.yml using a tool such as nano or vi. If you are unsure which to use, nano is probably the best option:

    []( heartbeat.yml
  3. Within heartbeat.yml, locate the following section:

    []( Configure monitors inline
  4. Notice there is a sample monitor of type http with id my-monitor. Comment out or delete this monitor (but leave the heartbeat.monitors line in the config file).

Hi @elasticrap, it looks like there is a problem with your configuration file.

Can you please share the first 30 lines of your heartbeat.yml, so we can check what might be missing according to the error message?


Hello Andre. The bold lines are the ones updated.
The first bold line is my confusion. I am not sure what is to be done from -

elastic@ip-172-31-4-222:~/heartbeat$ cat heartbeat.yml
################### Heartbeat Configuration Example #########################

This file is an example configuration file highlighting only some common options.

The heartbeat.reference.yml file in the same directory contains all the supported options

with detailed comments. You can use it for reference.

Hi @elasticrap,

You need to keep heartbeat.monitors: if you removed.

If you removed the example monitor called my-monitor, you need to make sure you still have the heartbeat.monitors: section in the configuration file.

Then add the new monitors to the heartbeat.monitors: section as described in lab instructions.


Thank you Andre. Unfortunately I do not understand. Is there a way to talk on the phone and see exactly what I should and should not comment out to carry on with the lab request?
Other portions of the lab show what the final version should look like. I am not sure why this one step does not do the same thing.
As a novice to Elastic but with an Admin cert with Splunk, should I even be starting in this area or looking lower level?

Hi @elasticrap ,

I'm sorry you are having troubles. In step 21 you can find the full configuration file. You can copy that to a brand new heartbeat.yml file and you should be able to start heartbeat with the configurations provided through lab instructions.
