Problem in downloading fleet server

I have an issue in downloading fleet server over https, we are running elasticsearch and kibana on docker with https on LINUX machine RHEL8.6 , when we are installing fleet and agent with this command it is getting downloaded but there is no CPU and Memory support but the status is healthy.
This is the command :
sudo ./elastic-agent install --url= --fleet-server-es= --fleet-server-service-token=AAEAAWVsYXN0aWMvZmxlZXQtc2VydmVyL3Rva2VuLTE3MDk5NjgxMDU0MDI6NTU0ay1iNFdTN0tadFBDSThlSWdBUQ --fleet-server-policy=fleet-server-policy --fleet-server-port=8220 --certificate-authorities=/root/elastic/es_data/server1.crt --fleet-server-es-ca=/root/elastic/es_data/server1.crt --fleet-server-cert=/root/elastic/es_data/server1.crt --fleet-server-cert-key=/root/elastic/es_data/server1.key

We also need command to install agent over https [where we can add certs]

What integrations are in the fleet server policy? I think that your missing the system integration

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