Prometheus Integration - Possible Bug?

I am able to collect data from Prometheus integration. The point of the integration is to grab Prometheus formatted metrics and convert it into ECS.

I think I found a bug.

I don't see any errors with the intergration but I noticed some small but important data wasn't ingesting.

Here is a prometheus format metric:
go_info{version="go1.20.7"} 1"

In elastic, I get prometheus.goinfo with a value of 1
I also would like to get the version data.

am I missing something?

Hi @erikg,

Could you let us know which Elastic version you're using, As I tested on 8.15 -

I am getting field name go_info

With value - 1

Hey @ashishtiwari1993 I am on 8.15.0
BUT I see what happened.

I was looking for the version -> {version="go1.20.7"}
I was looking for it thinking it would be identified by go_info but looks like any field inside these { }, are placed in 'labels'

I stand corrected, thanks for looking into this!

wait @ashishtiwari1993

It seems like it works at times, for example, this is from the /metrics endpoint:
qumulo_info{instance="<redacted>", job="<redacted>", max_drive_failures="2", max_node_failures="1", name="<redacted>", platform="<redacted>", service_model="self_hosted", uuid="<redacted", version="<redacted>"}

Nothing appears for a label for these values^

Are you using any specific exporter? I have tested on node exporter which is picking perfectly.