Query 2 indices

I've 2 indices:
someData:keyword referrer:integer
and dictionary

Is it possible, and if so then how to do that, to ask maindata for data with condition on dictionary? Soemthing similar to SQL's:
select m.someData, d.refferer from maindata m, dictionary d where m.refferer = d.id and d.refferer = "NAME";
Query has to be at the end saved object because I need it as datasource for visualization.

If not, how to gain such result without denormalizing data?

Best regards

You can't do that natively.
You can either denormalise, or run two queries and manage the merge in your code.

  1. Denormalization is the thing we want to avoid :wink:
  2. There's no code under. We want this "combined answer" to be query for our Kibana's visualizations.

To follow p. 2: is it possible to create outside ES/Kibana piece of code (e.g. in C#, Java or whatever) and register it in Kibana as saved object and use it as datasource for visualization?

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