Rate limit in elastic image pull?

I am encountering an issue while trying to pull the docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.4.3 image in my Kubernetes cluster. The error I am seeing is:

Failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: Get "https://docker-auth.elastic.co/auth?scope=repository%3Aelasticsearch%2Felasticsearch%3Apull&service=token-service": EOF
19m         Warning   Failed             pod/elasticsearch-es-default-2         Error: ErrImagePull

Has Elastic introduced any rate limits or restrictions for pulling images from the Elastic container registry?

Can you manually pull the image on the node where this error getting issued? If that persists, if the image is in docker, dockerhub registry has the rate limit, you might have crossed because of the multiple restarts.

Solution: For time being, Create your own registry and push the image to the registry other than dockerhub. use that image it should resolve the issue.