Recieving exception on my worker nodes

i am getting these kind of exception on my worker nodes

**[](** **":"eqCCF2S4TPG1jExPCtnbng","** **[](** **":"eck-master-and-worker-nodes-es-worker-2","** **[](** **":"eck-master-and-worker-nodes","error.type":"org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException","error.message":"at least one primary shard for the index [.security-7] is unavailable","error.stack_trace":"org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException: at least one primary shard for the index [.security-7] is unavailable\n\tat** **[](** **curity@8.8.0/\n\tat** **[](**

but when i check the shards for this index those are assigned and the index is also searchable.can you help on this issue

also when i am trying to login with any user using Kibana interface its failing but when i try to login using Elasticsearch end point its successful.

elasticsearch Elastic Stack kibana elastic-stack-monitoring Elasticsearch elastic-stack-reporting #worker-nodes