Recommended Machine configuration for ELK stack

Hello All,

Is there any documentation recommending about Machine configuration in order to run Elastic Search and Logstash (One same VM or separate VM )?

I am creating log processing and analysis pipeline for our company. One Instance of Logstash and Elastic Search should safely handle syslog type data from 1500 Network Devices in a region.

I am looking for Machine Configuration like, Memory, CPU , core, HardDisk space etc.

Appreciate your help.

Thanks !

Is there any documentation recommending about Machine configuration in order to run Elastic Search and Logstash (One same VM or separate VM )?

No, because that depends on so many different factors; the number of messages, how they're split up into fields, how the fields are analyzed, how many days' of logs to save, the kind of CPUs, the number of CPUs, the amount of RAM, the JVM heap size, the machine's I/O performance, the expected number of queries, the kind of queries, ...