Does anyone have any experience with getting OpenShift thats using fluentd as an ingest pipeline processor to connect to ECE? Since fluentd is very similar to logstash I have a logstash config that is working, in that it can ship beat data from my computer to logstash and connect to the ECE cluster, but we cant get the fluentd settings to work. Heres our logstash config that were trying to mirror for fluentd.
What happens if you remove client_key and client_cert?
I had a look at the fluentd docs ( ?) and I couldn't see any reason why it wouldn't be able to connect to ECE (one thing I couldn't confirm is that we only support HTTP/1.1 - that's a common gotcha when using nginx), but since the error seems to be specific to the client TLS settings, let's remove them and see if we get a different error at least
(the other thing that I wasn't sure about was whether we supported ssl_version TLSv1_2, if you still get SSL errors after removing the client settings might be worth trying changing that to one of SSLv23, TLSv1, TLSv1_1
We were able to get logs in! We made some settings on our end as well as the fluentd side so were trying to fine tune things down to exactly what made it work. Will post a fine tuned config for others soon hopefully. Appreciate the insight Alex!
To mirror the above logstash config for our OpenShift/fluentd connection we used: OpenShift/fluentd config was put together by my colleague Adam
Find these lines and change accordingly - These URLs are custom URLs that specify a logical cluster within ECE. Youll need a new URL for new environments
- name: ES_HOST
- name: ES_PORT
value: "9243"
- name: OPS_HOST
- name: OPS_PORT
value: "9243"
Add these variables - Get these credentials from the ECE team (Ryan)
value: logstash_send_data
value: <redacted>
Comment out these variables (were going to do this without mutual TLS).
#value: /etc/fluent/keys/cert
#- name: ES_CLIENT_KEY
#value: /etc/fluent/keys/key
#value: /etc/fluent/keys/ops-cert
#value: /etc/fluent/keys/ops-key
Edit these variables
- name: ES_CA
value: /etc/fluent/elasticsearch/keys/our_cert.pem
- name: OPS_CA
value: /etc/fluent/elasticsearch/keys/our_cert.pem
Add this block under "volumes". Were going to pass in an edited /etc/fluent/configs.d/openshift/output-es-config.conf and a file for the certificate without disrupting the current key set.
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: logging-output-elasticsearch
name: output-es-config
- name: <your-cert>
defaultMode: 420
secretName: <your-cert>
Add this block under "volumeMounts"
- mountPath: /etc/fluent/configs.d/openshift/output-es-config.conf
name: output-es-config
readOnly: true
subPath: output-es-config.conf
- mountPath: /etc/fluent/elasticsearch/keys
name: its-cert
readOnly: true
Create modified output-es-config.conf
Create a local file (well turn it into a config map soon) named output-es-config.conf. In the future, this config file may no longer match up well with the default available in the package. So you may want to copy the original out and make manual updates. **The principal problem I found was hardcoded username and password. The other problem was the lines for ES_CLIENT_CERT / ES_CLIENT_KEY / OPS_CLIENT_CERT / OPS_CLIENT_KEY. The documentation would lead you to believe you can leave the environment variables blank in the daemonset and the resulting config would skip them. Instead, we had to remove those lines completely.**
@type elasticsearch
@id elasticsearch-apps
@log_level trace
with_transporter_log true
host "#{ENV['ES_HOST']}"
port "#{ENV['ES_PORT']}"
scheme https
ssl_verify "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_SSL_VERIFY'] || 'true'}"
target_index_key viaq_index_name
id_key viaq_msg_id
remove_keys viaq_index_name
ca_file "#{ENV['ES_CA']}"
type_name com.redhat.viaq.common
retry_tag "retry_es"
reload_connections "#{ENV['ES_RELOAD_CONNECTIONS'] || 'true'}"
reload_after "#{ENV['ES_RELOAD_AFTER'] || '200'}"
sniffer_class_name "#{ENV['ES_SNIFFER_CLASS_NAME'] || 'Fluent::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer'}"
reload_on_failure false
flush_interval "#{ENV['ES_FLUSH_INTERVAL'] || '1s'}"
max_retry_wait "#{ENV['ES_RETRY_WAIT'] || '300'}"
disable_retry_limit true
buffer_type file
buffer_path '/var/lib/fluentd/buffer-output-es-config'
buffer_queue_limit "#{ENV['BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT'] || '32' }"
buffer_chunk_limit "#{ENV['BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT'] || '8m' }"
buffer_queue_full_action "#{ENV['BUFFER_QUEUE_FULL_ACTION'] || 'block'}"
flush_at_shutdown "#{ENV['FLUSH_AT_SHUTDOWN'] || 'false'}"
write_operation 'create'
request_timeout 2147483648
oc create configmap logging-output-elasticsearch --from-file=output-es-config.conf
As Alex correctly pointed out we needed to remove the client_key and client_cert lines from our fluentd config. We had originally left them in, not due to their use, but due to the fact that the OpenShift/fluentd documentation found in the link specified that the configuration should work if the fields were left blank. For some clarification, is ECE with TLS not mutual or mutual? From my understanding its not mutual but feel free to correct me.
Configure your externally hosted Elasticsearch instance for TLS:
* If your externally hosted Elasticsearch instance does not use TLS, update the _CLIENT_CERT, _CLIENT_KEY, and _CA variables to be empty.
*** If your externally hosted Elasticsearch instance uses TLS, but not mutual TLS, update the _CLIENT_CERT and _CLIENT_KEY variables to be empty. Then patch or recreate the fluentd secret with the appropriate _CA value for communicating with your Elasticsearch instance.**
* If your externally hosted Elasticsearch instance uses Mutual TLS, patch or recreate the fluentd secret with your client key, client cert, and CA. The provided Elasticsearch instance uses mutual TLS
Youre welcome! Appreciate the info on TLS and couldn't find a specific answer so I figured I'd ask. Hopefully this helps save some other people time if they have this issue.
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