Fluentd configuration for logstash not working

this is my simple logstash config for fluentd. I saw from documentation that
fluentd running on port 8888.
Also I could not output to Elasticsearch. and it says connection refused.
can some one tell me what is wrong ? I am new to fluentd.

input {
tcp {
codec => fluent
port => 8888
output {
stdout {}
------------flentd config
<match td..>
@type tdlog
@id output_td

@type file
path /var/log/td-agent/buffer/td

<match debug.**>
@type stdout
@id output_stdout

@type http @id input_http port 8888

<match *.**>
type copy

type elasticsearch
host localhost
port 9200
include_tag_key true
tag_key @log_name
logstash_format true
flush_interval 10s

Since there probably aren't that many people who know fluentd here, perhaps you can explain what you're trying to accomplish? How do you intend to connect fluentd and Logstash?

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