elastic: 8.15.1
kibana: 8.15.1
logstash: 8.15.1
Ubuntu 22.04LTS
Hello folks,
I've made a mistake with the way I ingest logstash pipelines, and now I've exhausted my maximum shard count (1000/1000 used). I deleted a couple of older indexes to get elastic/kibana/logstash back up and running, however I want to retain what data I have and so far haven't found a good way to do it.
My googling has lead me to the conclusion that I should be able to combine the daily indices I have into monthly ones, however each time I try and combine them I get an "Empty response from server" from curl.
The curl command I'm trying is-
curl -k -X POST -u "elastic:<password>" "localhost:9200/_reindex?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"conflicts": "proceed",
"source": {
"index": "index-2024.10.*"
"dest": {
"index": "index-2024.10",
"op_type": "create"
A little further digging tells me this is most likely because the _source
mapping is missing, however I never explicitly disabled it and I thought it was enabled by default.
I tried running a few calls to check mappings, but they all returned empty results as well
curl -k -X GET -u "elastic:<password>" "localhost:9200/*/_mapping?pretty"
curl -k -X GET -u "elastic:<password>" "localhost:9200/_all/_mapping?pretty"
curl -k -X GET -u "elastic:<password>" "localhost:9200/_mapping?pretty"
curl -k -X GET -u "elastic:<password>" "localhost:9200/index-2024.10.17/_mapping"
I had a look at the index in index management in Kibana and the list of mappings there doesn't show a _source
mapping, but I'm not sure if that's a Kibana thing or not.
Is there any way to retroactively enable the _source
mapping? Or is there any other way to combine indices without it?