Replacement of straight quotes with curly quotes

It appears that Discourse in the past few weeks started replacing regular straight quotes with curly quotes. Could we do something about that? It's annoying to have to search/replace those characters if you're copying a JSON snippet or a portion from a configuration file into e.g. a terminal in order to reproduce something.

It's bad enough that Discourse is damaging posts that contains angle bracket sequences that look like XML/HTML elements.




Edit - can you link or show an example?

Curly quotes, not brackets or parentheses. Try parsing this piece of JSON:

{"foo": "bar"}

Ahh sorry. (Too much json :p)

I also find this hideous.

@discourse can you comment on this please?


This is a new feature added recently with our markdown engine update. To
remove it, disable the enable markdown typographer site setting.


I've made this change, let's see how it goes.