Reporting error while trying to generate CSV from Kibana (filebeats)

As above image, I am trying to generate CSV for my filebeat but there's a Reporting error which I can't solve, anyone able to advise?


From the screenshot can see 280,848,022 hits. Could you please reduce the search filter to last 15 minutes & try to Generate CSV. This will confirm if it is due to the huge number of records or a different issue. Also for more details can review the Kibana Log file/Elasticsearch Log file as well.


Hi Tortoise,

I am able to extract now but I'm hitting a max size limit reached as seen below:

any possible workarounds for this? I can only see 15 mins of logs instead of 3 months


There is a 10MB limit by default which can be configured via the xpack. reporting. csv. maxSizeBytes setting in kibana.

Below thread can be helpful