Reports not using configured timezone in advanced settings


We're sending data from logstash and our event_date is already in UTC so no conversion is made in logstash:

date {
                                    match => [ "date", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]
                            target => "event_date"

In Kibana, we're using "America/Sao_Paulo" as our timezone, not Browser. The data is showing correctly in discovery, dashboard, visualizations etc... but when generate a report from a saved search (in discovery) we end up getting the raw date time which is in UTC (as ElasticSearch and Kibana docs asks to do).

How can I get my reports to respect my configured timezone in Kibana?

Thanks in advance!


There issue has already been reported in Kibana. Sadly, I don't have an estimate for it yet.

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