Repository verification status: Not connected

Greeting Elastic Communinity,

I have ancountered an issue after creating a repository in kibana, when I click Verify Repository it returns Not connected status. This is a 3 node cluster here is the response error message:

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "repository_verification_exception",
        "reason": "[analytics_repository] [[3y9Qbq0bThWoBq27SBrU7A, 'RemoteTransportException[[anprd02][10.3.**.**:9300][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[analytics_repository] missing];'], [KAMqnxh-S06mdKq7fdyqIw, 'RemoteTransportException[[anprd03][10.3.**.**:9300][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[analytics_repository] missing];']]"
    "type": "repository_verification_exception",
    "reason": "[analytics_repository] [[3y9Qbq0bThWoBq27SBrU7A, 'RemoteTransportException[[anprd02][10.3.**.**:9300][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[analytics_repository] missing];'], [KAMqnxh-S06mdKq7fdyqIw, 'RemoteTransportException[[anprd03][10.3.**.**:9300][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[analytics_repository] missing];']]"
  "status": 500

Thank you
Njabulo M

Which version of Elasticsearch are you using?

What type of repository is this? How is it configured? How did you set it up?

Hi @Christian_Dahlqvist ,

I'm using version 7.10.1, its a shared file type repository, I configured path.repo in elasticsearch.yml as path.repo: e:\snapshots after creating this directory e:\es_snapshots in the e drive then restarted all three elasticserach nodes and created the repository.

What type of shared disk is that? Can you see the snapshot created on the disk from all three nodes?

I have never run Elasticsearch on Windows, so if this is a Windows related issue I will not be able to help.

That is a very old version that has been EOL a long time. I recommend you upgrade to at least version 7.17 as a metter of urgency.

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I agree. I think you might be hitting a bug that's been fixed in newer versions, although it was many years ago and I can't remember the details now.

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Hi Christian_Dahlqvist,

I'm running Elasticsearch on windows, I haven't created any snapshot as the repo is not on the green state.

But I think when I click verify repository it creates these folders below in the node with kibana.

Many Thanks

I would recommend you upgrade to at least version 7.17 and try again so we know you are not hitting any bugs that have been fixed since the very old version you are currently running was released.


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