[Resolved][Kibana]Is it possible to drill down the pie chart view other related information?

Hi Team,

I have data like below in Kibana and created a pie chart based on it.

Siemens, SiemensPS,  Search,  "Competency_Criteria,Profile_Criteria"
HSBC, HSBCPROD, Search, "Keyword, Competency_Criteria, Background_Criteria"

Pie Chart based on 'ktf2' field

My Requirement:
I want to see the 'cn' information for one of the slice in the pie chart, such as Profile_Criteria. I try to drill down the chart by clicking the slice 'Profile_Criteria' , but I didn't get the expected information.

Is there anyway to get his on the chart?

You can create a dashboard and place two pie chart visualizations on it. One would show the proportion of ktf2 categories while the other would show the proportion of cn categories. Then, when you click on the Profile_Criteria pie slice, the dashboard will be filtered to only show ktf2 : Profile_Criteria so the cn pie chart will show the proportions for only "Profile_Criteria" events.

Below is an example using the logs sample data set. In the first screen shot, there are no filters applied so the results are showing the proportions for all documents within the selected time period

The next screen shot shows the dashboard after clicking on the "win xp" pie slice. Now the results only show the proportions for all documents within the selected time period where visitor OS is "win xp".

Hi Nathan_Reese,

Thanks for the information. Let me double confirm that it can't be done by drill down in one pie chart, right?


Let me double confirm that it can't be done by drill down in one pie chart, right?

That is correct. There is no way to drill down from one visualization into another yet. You can track this issue for drill down links from one dashboard into another dashboard https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/12560.


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