Restoring snapshot (filesystem) - empty

Tried to restore a snapshot I did before re-installing the machine but ended up with elasticsearch complaining the snapshot is "empty"

What happened:
I had to set up a machine from scratch (single instance ELK installation, no cluster running under Ubuntu). So I created a snapshot, tar-ed the resulting directory and put it in a safe place on another machine. After setting up the machine (OS, ELK 8.17.0) I wanted to restore the snapshot only to find out that elasticsearch.

I "tar xpf"-ed the snapshot tar (~31GB) I created on the "old" installation (also Ubuntu), made sure it's owned by the elasticsearch-user:

drwxr-xr-x 3 elasticsearch elasticsearch 4096 Nov 14 12:23 Zappy-snapshot-Repo

Next I added the path the directory is in to /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml, i.e.

path.repo: /tmp/Zappy-snapshot-Repo

Next I went to kibana and added the Repo. No errors here, but I got a message that the Repo has no snapshots:

Same in the developer console

GET _snapshot/ 


  "My-Test-Repo": {
    "type": "fs",
    "settings": {
      "location": "/tmp/Zappy-snapshot-Repo"


GET _snapshot/_status


  "snapshots": []

i.e. "empty" :thinking:

No error messages whatsoever in /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log

Also tried with debuging, i.e.

PUT _cluster/settings
  "transient": {
    "": "DEBUG"

Still no useful information in elasticsearch.log.

Any ideas what could be wrong, i.e. why I can't re-import the snapshot?

What do you have inside of /tmp/Zappy-snapshot-Repo?

Please run a ls on that path and share the results.

Here we go:

/tmp/Zappy-snapshot-Repo# ls -la
total 204
drwxr-xr-x   3 elasticsearch elasticsearch   4096 Nov 14 12:23 .
drwxrwxrwt  17 root          root            4096 Jan  9 15:30 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch  40680 Nov 14 12:23 index-0
-rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch      8 Nov 14 12:23 index.latest
drwxr-xr-x 149 elasticsearch elasticsearch  12288 Nov 14 12:14 indices
-rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch 135746 Nov 14 12:23 meta-6bs6VgeaQ7-StvlUpmov1g.dat
-rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch   3224 Nov 14 12:23 snap-6bs6VgeaQ7-StvlUpmov1g.dat

so it's owned by "elasticsearch:elasticsearch" with the exact same permissions as the original (tar-ed via "tar cf" and extracted with "tar xpf")

What happens when you click in Verify Repository ?

From the documentation, it suggests that you need to Verify the repository before starting to use it.

No complaints, just the message that the repo has no snapshots.

In the meantime though thanks to a tip from one of my colleagues I could fix the problem: I originally put the directory containing the snapshot files to /tmp where elasticsearch didn't find them. As soon as I moved the files making up the repo away from /tmp to some other place in the filesystem elasticsearch was able to access them. Seems to have something to do with the way systemd treats /tmp.

Yes, Elasticsearch sets the PrivateTmp option by default. You can adjust this if you really need to, but the simplest solution is to avoid putting non-temporary (or at least non-process-private) stuff like snapshots in /tmp.