Restoring the snapshot in our local cluster

So, I have an elastic cloud account in which I have created dashboards and stored indices to work with. But now I have installed Elastic Search and Kibana in my local system and I don't want to use the cloud anymore. So, what I did is I created a repository in S3 and then created a snapshot named - new_repository and stored all the indices in there. Now, I tried to restore the snapshot in my local system, with the same S3 credentials that i used in elastic cloud and it is not working. So, can anybody suggest me some methods as to how we can restore all the data in our local system from elastic cloud?


I think you did it right. Could you share the exact full log message?

I am trying to register a repository in my local Elasticsearch which I installed using this: Install Elasticsearch with Debian Package | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic
Normally, in my elastic cloud, I have created a repository using my S3 credentials and I have also created a snapshot and stored the indices in it. But, with the same S3 credentials, I am trying to create a repository in my locally installed Elasticsearch and kibana but it is showcasing this error:
{ "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "repository_exception", "reason": "[my_s3_repository] Could not determine repository generation from root blobs" } ], "type": "repository_exception", "reason": "[my_s3_repository] Could not determine repository generation from root blobs", "caused_by": { "type": "i_o_exception", "reason": "Exception when listing blobs by prefix [index-]", "caused_by": { "type": "sdk_client_exception", "reason": "Failed to connect to service endpoint: ", "caused_by": { "type": "socket_timeout_exception", "reason": "Connect timed out" } } } }, "status": 500 }

However, the same credentials are working to register the repository in Elastic Cloud. Why?? Do we have any other option to restore the data from Elastic Cloud to my locally installed Elastic search? Like, I have created the snapshots in Elastic Cloud and stored them, but then I want to display them in my local Elastic. So, how can we do that???? I can download the indices from my S3 bucket, but is there any way to upload them, just as we do it with CSV or JSON??? Can you suggest me something?

Connect timed out means either you haven't set the credentials properly or you have some kind of connectivity issue, but we'd need to see the full error trace to say which. Would you call the same API but with the ?error_trace query parameter and share the full output here please?

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