Rollup index pattern bug with erroneously detected multiple histograms?

note: this question is obviously similar to this post, but it was closed without any replies.

When I want to create an index pattern on a rollup job I get the message "Rollup index pattern error: Multiple date histograms configured". This seems weird, in the config (pasted below) I only see 1 date_histogram, on the @timestamp field with 24h intervals and I created this config with the rollup job wizard. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? My goal is to make nice graphs of the actions that our users perform, so how do I solve this problem so that I can make the an index pattern (which is required to make visualizations).

We're on Elastic Search/Kibana version 6.6.1 by the way (cloud hosted)

I grabbed the following from the rollup job's JSON tab (on the Management -> Elasticsearch -> Rollup Jobs page). The values are slightly redacted so as not to accidentally leak personally identifiable or company data.

  "config": {
    "id": "Appname daily rollup",
    "index_pattern": "appname-*",
    "rollup_index": "rollup-daily-appname",
    "cron": "0 0 2 * * ?",
    "groups": {
      "date_histogram": {
        "interval": "24h",
        "field": "@timestamp",
        "time_zone": "UTC"
      "terms": {
        "fields": [
    "metrics": [],
    "timeout": "20s",
    "page_size": 1000
  "status": {
    "job_state": "started",
    "current_position": {
      "@timestamp.date_histogram": 1554681600000,
      "account.keyword.terms": "some account name",
      "action.keyword.terms": "process",
      "context.keyword.terms": "some context",
      "level.keyword.terms": "prod",
      "user.keyword.terms": "some user name",
      "zone.keyword.terms": "some geographical zone"
    "upgraded_doc_id": true
  "stats": {
    "pages_processed": some int,
    "documents_processed": some int,
    "rollups_indexed": some int,
    "trigger_count": 4,
    "index_time_in_ms": some int,
    "index_total": some int,
    "index_failures": 0,
    "search_time_in_ms": some int,
    "search_total": some int,
    "search_failures": 0

"Solved" by creating the job again with the same parameters (different job name, index name). Now I can just make a rollup index pattern no problem.


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