Sales won't contact me

Been trying to reach sales for a couple of weeks now. This is my last attempt before I move on to something else. I have gotten nothing back from the sales team (and yes I monitor my spam just in case). I have a budget and had been considering using it towards ELK, but if I can't get a sales person to talk to what can I expect from Support? This is my last attempt reaching out here. I reached out twice by form with all my work contact info. I saw a couple of other instances of this on your forums as well. Your product is good, but if sales is like this, should I be worried about support as well?

Thanks, @TonyS. I shared this post with some coworkers internally, and I'll let you know when I hear back further.

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Hi @TonyS,

I talked with a few coworkers about this and wanted to confirm that you filled out this form?

After I hear back from you, we can brainstorm the next steps together.



I did it twice in fact. It's why I came here. My email is the same as the one I used. Should be able to look up by my email I used to create this account.

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Thanks. I'll chat with our team and let you know when I hear back.

Hi @TonyS,

I just chatted with one of our account managers, and they will contact you directly. Let me know early next week if you don't hear anything further.



Hi @TonyS ,

I just wanted to follow up here and see if you heard from a member of our team?



Yes thank you! I have a meeting with them this morning. Appreciate the followup!

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Glad this is resolved!

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