Scripted field from multiple indices

I want to create a script field that uses information in another index to create a field.
suppose my first index is index1 which reads packets from interface traffic and includes fields "ip-address" and "mac-address".
I have another index, index2 which includes a field named "IP" which keeps ip addresses and a field named "MAC" which keeps mac addresses and a field named as "machine-FQDN" that keeps machine names (basically this index is in fact a small table that has stored information about machines in my network)

Then I want for each packet to create a script field in index1 which reads "machine-FQDN" from index2 based on the "ip-address" and "mac-address" fields of index1.

Here is how I think I should do it:

GET /_search
    "_source": {
      "includes": ["machine-FQDN"]  },
    "query" : {
      "script_fields" : {
        "script" : {
          "lang": "painless",
          "bool" :{

but when I run it in Dev Tools I get:

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "parsing_exception",
        "reason": "no [query] registered for [script_fields]",
        "line": 5,
        "col": 25
    "type": "parsing_exception",
    "reason": "no [query] registered for [script_fields]",
    "line": 5,
    "col": 25
  "status": 400

Even when I do it as:

GET /_search
    "_source": {
      "includes": ["machine-FQDN"]  },
    "query" : {
      "script_fields" : {
        "script" : {
          "lang": "painless",
          "bool" :{

I receive exactly the same error.

When I run the above code in Management in scripted fields I receive following error:

Error: Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"script_exception","reason":"compile error","script_stack":["GET /_search\n{\n    \"_source\": {\n       ...","             ^---- HERE"],"script":"GET /_search\n{\n    \"_source\": {\n      \"includes\": [\"machine-FQDN\"]  },\n    \"query\" : {\n      \"script_fields\" : {\n        \"script\" : {\n          \"lang\": \"painless\",\n          \"bool\" :{\n            \"must\":[\n             {\"match\":{\"query\":{\"IP"\":\"doc['ip-address'].value\"}}},\n              {\"match\":{\"query\":{\"POP-id\":\"doc['mac-address'].value\"}}}\n              ]\n          }\n            \n      }\n    }\n    }\n}","lang":"painless"},{"type":"circuit_breaking_exception","reason":"[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead; this limit can be changed by the [script.max_compilations_per_minute] setting","bytes_wanted":0,"bytes_limit":0}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"nprobe-2017.05.18","node":"Lzhq9rYeTpmDIwWygXrS3w","reason":{"type":"script_exception","reason":"compile error","script_stack":["GET /_search\n{\n    \"_source\": {\n       ...","             ^---- HERE"],"script":"GET /_search\n{\n    \"_source\": {\n      \"includes\": [\"machine-FQDN\"]  },\n    \"query\" : {\n      \"script_fields\" : {\n        \"script\" : {\n          \"lang\": \"painless\",\n          \"bool\" :{\n            \"must\":[\n             {\"match\":{\"query\":{\"IP"\":\"doc['ip-address'].value\"}}},\n              {\"match\":{\"query\":{\"MAC\":\"doc['mac-address'].value\"}}}\n              ]\n          }\n            \n      }\n    }\n    }\n}","lang":"painless","caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"unexpected token ['{'] was expecting one of [{<EOF>, ';'}]."}}},{"shard":1,"index":"nprobe-2017.05.21","node":"Lzhq9rYeTpmDIwWygXrS3w","reason":{"type":"general_script_exception","reason":"Failed to compile inline script [GET /_search\n{\n    \"_source\": {\n      \"includes\": [\"machine-FQDN\"]  },\n    \"query\" : {\n      \"script_fields\" : {\n        \"script\" : {\n          \"lang\": \"painless\",\n          \"bool\" :{\n            \"must\":[\n             {\"match\":{\"query\":{\"IP"\":\"doc['ip-address'].value\"}}},\n              {\"match\":{\"query\":{\"MAC\":\"doc['mac-address'].value\"}}}\n              ]\n          }\n            \n      }\n    }\n    }\n}] using lang [painless]","caused_by":{"type":"circuit_breaking_exception","reason":"[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead; this limit can be changed by the [script.max_compilations_per_minute] setting","bytes_wanted":0,"bytes_limit":0}}}]},"status":500}
    at Function.Promise.try (
    at (native)
    at (
    at callResponseHandlers (
    at processQueue (
    at Scope.$eval (

I appreciate if you could help me with this.

You cannot do this unfortunately.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply. Do you have any idea to implement this in another way, or you believe it is not possible at all?
I thought maybe I can use script processor to implement this. Do you think it would be possible to do it there?

There is no such thing as a "script_fields" query. That is exactly what the error message is telling you.

This sounds like something you should do from your application. It is essentially a join (you want to get your result documents, then run another search and use script_fields with that query).

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