

I'm using ELK "6.6.1", everything seems fine but sometimes I've the following error on top of Kibana interface.
Any help is appreciated.

Best Regard

SearchError: unknown error
    at processQueue (
    at Scope.$digest (
    at Scope.$apply (
    at done (
    at completeRequest (
    at XMLHttpRequest.requestError (

@hzarrabi when you see this error, if you right click in Chrome and select "Inspect" , and then select the "Console" tab, do you see any errors?

Also, do you Kibana logs contain any useful information?

Hi Brandon,

This is the inspect console copy.


:5601/api/console/proxy?path=_aliases&method=GET:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable)
2:5601/api/console/proxy?path=_template&method=GET:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable)
:5601/api/console/proxy?path=_mapping&method=GET:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable)
3:5601/elasticsearch/_msearch?rest_total_hits_as_int=true&ignore_throttled=true:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED
commons.bundle.js:3 Detected an unhandled Promise rejection.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'cancelQueued' of undefined
commons.bundle.js:3 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'cancelQueued' of undefined
    at VisualizeDataLoader.<anonymous> (commons.bundle.js:3)
    at step (vendors.bundle.dll.js:524)
    at Object.throw (vendors.bundle.dll.js:524)
    at rejected (vendors.bundle.dll.js:524)
commons.bundle.js:3 Detected an unhandled Promise rejection.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'cancelQueued' of undefined
commons.bundle.js:3 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'cancelQueued' of undefined
    at VisualizeDataLoader.<anonymous> (commons.bundle.js:3)
    at step (vendors.bundle.dll.js:524)
    at Object.throw (vendors.bundle.dll.js:524)
    at rejected (vendors.bundle.dll.js:524)
commons.bundle.js:3 Detected an unhandled Promise rejection.

Do you have a reverse-proxy/load balancer in front of Kibana? Based on the Kibana server logs, do you see the Kibana server stopping/starting during this period of time?

Hi Brandon,

Non of them.

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