Self-Monitoring in Elasticsearch 8.11 stopped working

Hello All,

The Self-Monitoring in our Elasticsearch 8.11 environment all of a sudden has stopped working.
This is how it used to look last week:

But, it looks like this now:

And, I get this error when I go to the Stack Monitoring Page:

"Unable to find the cluster in the selected time range. UUID: rqb_6GwMRY6CgdYtiCdhtA

HTTP 404"

Can you please help me with the issue? This has been working for months and broke all of a sudden this weekend. We have not made any changes to the environment.


Could you please confirm how the Stack Monitoring was configured to collect data?

You might want to check the metricbeat status incase it is down?


We are using elastic agent for stack monitoring. I restarted the elastic-agent service on our elastic servers but still not seeing any self-monitoring data.