Hi Team,
My requirement is to configure filebeat output as two logstash servers and I need to send logs to defined 2 servers simultaneously. It is not load balance scenario. Both logstash servers should received same data. Could you please help me.
Filebeat output conf:
#-------------------------- Kafka Output ----------------------------------
#initial brokers for reading cluster metadata
hosts: ["", ""]
#message topic selection + partitioning
topic: 'testlog'
reachable_only: false
required_acks: 1
compression: gzip
max_message_bytes: 1000000
Error log from 2nd logstash:
[2019-12-19T23:03:55,292][ERROR][logstash.agent ] Failed to execute action {:id=>:main, :action_type=>LogStash::ConvergeResult::FailedAction, :message=>"Could not execute action: PipelineAction::Create, action_result: false", :backtrace=>nil}
Note: i'm getting log from filebeat to 1st logstash.