Sending AWS Cloud Watch Logs to Elasticsearch

Hello community.
I want to send AWS Cloud Watch logs to my local Elasticsearch cluster?

I have seen AWS integrations but my question is how I'm going to connect those integrations on my AWS Cloud Watch?

Hello, have you installed and configured the Integration? Have you checked the documentation? Do you have any issue installing and configuring?

When you install this integration on an agent it will ask you for the credentials and the Loggroup you want to collect.

Try installing first and if you have any issue open a new topic.

Hey @leandrojmp thanks again for the replay,
I didn't install the integration yet, because I don't know where to install the agent am I going to install the agent in the AWS instance where the Cloud Watch Logs are? or I'm Going to install the agent in my local server then I will install the integration?.

I don't know where we want to install the agentthat why I asked the question?

It is entirely your choice, you just need to have an Elastic Agent with a policy where you will install the AWS Integration.

The AWS CloudWatch will query the AWS CloudWatch service, so the Agent just need to have internet access.

@leandrojmp I would like to install my agent on a local machine, then I will install the AWS integration of that agent.

so here are some screen shots I took my integration

So my question is bro How my agent will query the AWS Cloud Watch?
I think I will have to put those Keys in order my agent to query the logs from Cloud Watch?

Thanks again for the help bro.

I finally ingested Cloud watch logs using elastic agent integration I have to put the is access key, secret key and log group Name.

thanks @leandrojmp I fallowed the steps you mentioned.

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