Sending messages to Microsoft Teams

With the new changes to webhooks Microsoft suddenly announced [1] what would be the best way to continue to send messages from Logstash into Teams?
Before we had a small online payload but after their new changes the payload we want to send is 100 lines long... It mainly consists of an image, title, message, facts and maybe a button with a colored banner for error/info/warning.

Microsoft has a templating service however its not possible to pass variables through the new webhooks into their templates so you have to send the entire template inside the post request. Having a local file in Gitlab we read and replace values seems a little excessive here.

Is there a plugin or a better way to do this?

[1] Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams

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How are you sending messages from Logstash to teams today?

There is no native plugin, are you using the http output plugin?

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