Setting default value to drop down in Controls


I have a requirement to set the default value in dropdown created using Controls visualization.

In existing setup, I have hardcoded and set the default value of dropdown and whenever the dashboard is loaded for the first time the results are displayed with the filter applied.

Now, If a user wants to change the filter, a user has to delete the existing filter which will populate the complete dashboard with the entire data without any filter and then only the user can select another value to filter.
My requirement is to not load the full dataset while changing the value of the filter. How should I achieve this?

Kibana version: 6.2.3
Elastic version: 6.2.3

What you described should work as long as you create the original filter via the input control. Here's a gif showing the process you can follow:

Hi Bargs,
Thanks for your reply.
I am able to achieve this by unchecking 'Use time filter' option.
But, Is there a way to do it with time filter Checked?

Sorry for the late reply. I just tried enabling "Use time filter" on the input controls but I'm still not able to reproduce the issue. Is there anything else you can think of that might be unique about your setup?

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