I am getting an error while installing elasticsearch-5.4.0. I already have elasticsearch-2.3.3 in my system.
Disk space is 29 GB free. What will be the issue?
[2017-05-17T01:19:32,724][WARN ][o.e.c.r.a.DiskThresholdMonitor] [VL71pl5] high
disk watermark [90%] exceeded on [VL71pl5TTxyEhJYxTognvQ][VL71pl5][C:\Ajoe\elast
icsearch-5.4.0\data\nodes\0] free: 29.8gb[9.9%], shards will be relocated away f
rom this node
No. You are not forced to use xpack.
Xpack is a plugin which adds security, alerting, monitoring, reporting, graph and machine learning. So if you don't need any of those features, you don't need xpack.
I need to use graph in X-Pack.
Is it possible to install ES2.3.3. and ES 5.4 together in a system? I am new in ES, that's why I am asking such questions. Please help
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