Share a dashboard in read-only mode

Hello, using Kibana 8.11. Created a dashboard that I would like to share in read-only mode. I would like to be the only person who can edit the dashboard. What is the best way to accomplish this? Thanks.


Create a new role and in the "Index Privileges" section, you can specify the indices that this role should have access to and the operations (read, write, etc.).

In the "Kibana Privileges" section, you can give read-only access to dashboards, select "Read" for the Dashboard feature.

Save the role and assign this role to the users who should have read-only access to the dashboard.


Thanks, Yago82. I did as recommended. However, I am unable to configure Kibana privileges. My account is an admin. What am I doing wrong?

Disregard. I had to pick a space to apply the role to.

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