Showing 'actual' & 'typical' values in ML anomaly detection alert

Hey folks,

We're running a couple of ML jobs for anomaly detection with mail alerts. For faster detection of false alerts I would like to extend the alert with the values from 'actual' and 'typical'.

The documentation specifies that the values are available, but shows no details on the syntax to add them.

We're currently using the default alert template:

Elastic Stack Machine Learning Alert:
- Job IDs: {{context.jobIds}}
- Time: {{context.timestampIso8601}}
- Anomaly score: {{context.score}}


  Top influencers:
    {{influencer_field_name}} = {{influencer_field_value}} [{{score}}]

  Top records:
    {{function}}({{field_name}}) {{by_field_value}} {{over_field_value}} {{partition_field_value}} [{{score}}]

{{! Replace kibanaBaseUrl if not configured in Kibana }}
[Open in Anomaly Explorer]({{{kibanaBaseUrl}}}{{{context.anomalyExplorerUrl}}})

I tried several variations but the fields came always back empty:

  Top records:
    {{function}}({{field_name}}) {{by_field_value}} {{over_field_value}} {{partition_field_value}} [{{score}}]
    {{function}}({{field_name}}) {{by_field_value}} {{over_field_value}} {{partition_field_value}} [{{typical}}]
    {{function}}({{field_name}}) {{by_field_value}} {{over_field_value}} {{partition_field_value}} [{{actual}}]

-> Top records: count() [86] count() count()

  Top records:
    {{function}}({{field_name}}) {{by_field_value}} {{over_field_value}} {{partition_field_value}} [{{score}}] Actual: [{{actual}}] Typical: [{{typical}}]

-> Top records: count() [99] Actual: Typical:

Could you kindly help me in which direction to look?

Hi @nospace,

What is the Kibana version you're using? Actual and Typical values were added to the alerting context in 8.1. The default alert template has been updated accordingly.

Hope it helps.

Hey @darnautov,

Thx for having a look, this helped indeed.

Our cluster still runs an earlier supported version and I didn't realise that the feature was added later. Guess I gonna poke the infrastructure team for an update :wink:

Thanks again :slight_smile:

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