Simple bulk insert (Index) not working...need help

   First day at ELK stack. I am trying to Index 3 documents into Elasticsearch using Kibana. I got this from Kibana official site training video. I keep getting "type": "json_e_o_f_exception".

I doesn't throw any syntactical errors. But when I click on green button to execute I get that error.

Any suggestions please?
POST /inspections/report/_bulk
"index": {
"_id": 1
"business_address": "600 california street",
"business_city": "San francisco",
"business _id": "2228",
"business_location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"business_name": "Tokyo Express",
"business_Postal": "94108",
"Inspection_id": "2228",
"inspection_score": 96,
"risk_categoy":"Low Risk",
"violation_description": "Unclean nonfood contact",
"violation_id": 01

        "index": {
         "_id": 2
"business_address": "600 california street",
"business_city": "San francisco",
"business _id": "2229",
"business_location": {
	"type": "Point",
	"coordinates": [
"business_name": "bazar Express",
"business_Postal": "94108",
"Inspection_id": "2228",
"inspection_score": 97,
"risk_categoy":"Low Risk",
"violation_description": "Unclean nonfood ffffff contact",
"violation_id": 02


The error message is not ideal, but it's saying the JSON parser found an end before it expected to. The problem is the JSON you're trying to use is invalid. Specifically, the violation_id value isn't valid, if you want to keep the leading 0, quote the value. 01 and 02 are not valid numbers in JSON.

Thank You so much

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