Small values getting rounded to zero on scripted field

Hi folks, This one's got me stumped... I'm taking a really small value, and creating a scripted field to scale it, so that kibana can chart it nicely for me. But I'm losing precion somewhere and ending up with '0' instead of a scaled number.

Scripted field is pretty simple...

'GET Index-*/_search
"script_fields": {
"fields.ActualValue.mAmp": {
"script": {
"lang": "expression",
"inline": "doc['fields.ActualValue.SIValue'].value *1000000"

The number I want to scale is pretty small, e.g. 0.00000492712
In the image, you can see the scaled scripted variable fields.ActualValue.mAmp

Obviously, when I chart this I get a flat line at zero.

Running the scripted field in Console - it works on any values that are greater than one, but appears to treat them as integers. Here's a sample output
"_index": "Index-2018.03",
"_type": "logevent",
"_id": "AWJBHnfFKawtLpEL6hQe",
"_score": 1,
"fields": {
"NewActualValue": [
"_index": "Index-2018.03",
"_type": "logevent",
"_id": "AWJBHnfFKawtLpEL6hQi",
"_score": 1,
"fields": {
"NewActualValue": [

Further to this the original field is mapped as a Long. So I don't know where I'm losing precision.

Any pointers for diagnosing or solving this issue, are greatly appreciated.

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