Spaces and Graph

I recently watched Alona's video on the new Kibana feature called Spaces.
If I got it right, I can copy objects from one space to another. But how about Graph visualizations? They are not stored as objects? How can I provide separate Graphs in spaces?

Hello BicaLuv,

I spoke to Alona on this question. Graph visualizations are not space specific so they cannot be separated out by space. That being said, this may be an opportunity as an enhancement for the future.

Hi @BicaLuv

Hope it was useful :slight_smile:
Graph is space specific. Any graph object you create in a specific space will only be available in that space. Graph objects though are not listed in the saved object page, so if you want to move Graph object between spaces you will need to use the API.


Thanks @Alona_Nadler for the clarification. Thatr is very good new compared to the first statement from @cufflinks .
And are the ML Job configs and Canvas? Are they spaces specific too?

Was it unintentional that you withdraw the post here?

Canvas is space specific similar to Graph. ML is currently global application, any job you create will be available in all spaces

Thanks a lot @Alona_Nadler

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