Span.log with opentracing

Kibana version : 7.3.2

Elasticsearch version : 7.3.2

APM Server version : 7.3.2

APM Agent language and version : java 1.9.0

Fresh install or upgraded from other version? fresh install

Is there anything special in your setup? For example, are you using the Logstash or Kafka outputs? Are you using a load balancer in front of the APM Servers? Have you changed index pattern, generated custom templates, changed agent configuration etc. :-----No

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant) :

Steps to reproduce :

I am tracing my spans in Kibana using open tracing. But I have some actions which I don't want to create them as spans . I just need to capture them as events , which is exactly what the span.log api from opentracing does. But how can I visualize them in Kibana. Where exactly can I view the event that I have added into the logs

FOR EXAMPLE childSpan.log(System.currentTimeMillis()*1000, "testing event"); I checked Kibana to see "testing event" , but couldn't locate it.

To be more precise how can we log events using Elastic APM opentracing bridge or set an the action related to a span using the open tracing bridge

To be more precise how can we log events using Elastic APM opentracing bridge or set an the action related to a span using the open tracing bridge

Please see the caveats section of the OpenTracing bridge docs:

(This feature is not supported, apart from error logs.)

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