Splunk vs Elastic Timechart [Line/area]

We are migrating from Splunk to ELK. During this migration, I was transforming Splunk time chart into Kibana area chart. I found below basic difference between splunk and Elastic implementation for this. I am explaining the difference in this topic. Can someone please tell me is it possible to get area chart similar to Splunk?

In Splunk the query is like below:

**index=f5_access **
**| eval length = len(uri) **
**| eval urlall = split(uri, "?") **
**| eval url = mvindex(urlall, 0) **
| timechart count(url) by url

Which results into below visualisation. Please note that whatever time range we select, at any bucket [data point] graph always shows the top 10 same URLs and will not change for each data point. So throughout the timeframe we see only top 10 URLs.

I created similar visualisation in Kibana as shown below.

which resulted into below graph:

Is it possible to get overall top 10 URLs listed throughout the graph instead of per bucket top URLs in elastic. Please suggest how to get similar behaviour in Elastic and Kibana.


I think you can just reverse the order of the aggregations on the x-axis, similar to this:

Thank you. able to resolve the problem with you suggestion.
I missed aggregation order part.

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