The last month we have set up an elk+rabbitmq setup that consists of 2 rabbitmq brokers 4 logstash and 1 elastic+kibana node.
We wanna try out loadbalancing through rabbitmq's to the logstash nodes and then forward to an elastic cluster.
So far the rabbit->logstash->elastic works perfect but without the use of SSL.
We wanted to try out X-Pack for the great things that it offers and right now we are stuck on the cert installation on nodes. I am kind of lost here so i am gonna ask for something dumb here.
Could someone guide me on what i need to do and on which node(each node is a cloud server) to install X-Pack and Certs on each server, so we won't have any server to server communication errors? I am trying to follow the X-Packs guide to elastic-signed Certs but i face huge problems making it work.
What i need is as simple as that:
Generate the X cert on elastic for a node(e.g logstash1) and copy it to logstash.
Then on logstash.yml add these lines there.
On elastic add these.
etc etc.
Ask for any logs or configurations but at the moment i just need to know the steps to make separate nodes use SSL with those certs for testing.