Storing pre-aggregated data

I have a data set that I'd like to add to Elasticsearch so that we can build visualizations with it in Kibana. The problem I am running into is that since the data is pre-aggregated average aggregations I do on this data are incorrect since they do not take into account the quantity. Here is a simplified sample of my data:

| Month | Store | Total Sales | Average Sale | Quantity Sold |
| Jan   | A     | $1000       | $100         |            10 |
| Jan   | B     | $880        | $80          |            11 |
| Feb   | A     | $375        | $75          |             5 |
| Feb   | B     | $800        | $40          |            20 |

If I do an average of the average sale column I would get $74 ((100+80+75+40)/4). The result I would like to see would take into account the quantity and I would get $66 ((100×10+80×11+75×5+40×20)/(10+11+5+20)).

Is there a way to store pre-aggregated data like this in Elasticsearch so that aggregations will work correctly similar to the way the rollups work?

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