Synthetics Private Location creation

Hi, there!

Those who are more experienced with Synthetics Private Location creation - is it possible to create Private Location in a specific Kibana Space?

Official documentation provides two types of syntax - general and namespace scoped.
Was able to successfully execute this call, using Kibana Dev Tools (easy & quick test)

POST kbn:/api/synthetics/private_locations
  "label": "my-private-loc",
  "agentPolicyId": "xxx11111xxxxx22222xxx3333",
  "tags": ["randomtag1"]

However, was not able to execute it providing specific Kibana Space as syntax suggests:

POST kbn:/s/my-random-space/api/synthetics/private_locations
  "label": "my-private-loc1",
  "agentPolicyId": "yyy11111yyy22222yyy3333",
  "tags": ["randomtag2"]

Private Locations themselves are visible across spaces, but it's possible to create monitors that are scoped to a specific Space. So, you can create monitors for a given space and localize them to that space, but your location will be available in other spaces.