Task Manager is unhealthy - Reason: setting HealthStatus.Error because assumedRequired Throughput PerMinutePerKibana

Hello Comuninty,

I'm facing this issue in my kibana after upgrading it from 8.9 to 8.13

here is the error i,m facing

Task Manager is unhealthy - Reason: setting HealthStatus.Error because assumedRequiredThroughputPerMinutePerKibana

The error is showing on my kibana UI

Also when I checked Task manager Heath it shows This using api GET kbn:/api/task_manager/_health it shows this

anyone who can help me please.

The solution is I found out that there are more than one thousand rules enabled in my Kibana which makes my only one instance of Kibana overloaded so I disabled all the unnecessary rules and now my Kibana is green.

Hope it will help those who will face these error in the future.