Template for plugins development in Kibana 7.9.3

Hi team, is there any plugin templates like it it was on past releases of Kibana:
I develop plugins in Kibana 7.9.3 using JavaScript and cant find any template to move further.

Believe you can still use the plugin generator and it will create a template for you.

Yes, i use it, but it creates application, but i want to create visializations. I see " Migrating legacy plugins to the new platform" so is there any complete examples for that guide?

Have you started Kibana using yarn start --run-examples in a development zone? Think that includes visualizations.

@masterThomas I tested it to make sure I was correct and they are there.

If you want to see just the source code for the examples they are here. Embeddables I think is what you are looking for.

If you start using yarn start --run-examples then you can see them by clicking on Developer Examples in Kibana.

thanks for answering. is it possible to develop app using JavaScript? What should be the structure of the app files?

You can continue to use Javascript but we highly recommend that you use Typescript. It will significantly simplify integrating with other plugins (like embeddables) and will make it easier for your plugin to detect and fix any breaking changes between Kibana versions.

We're working on high-level plugin development docs. These will be published to our website soon, but in the meantime you can take a look at https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/82600 which is the source code for adding these docs to our website.

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