Terminlogy used in Standard deviation in timeseries builder in kibana 7.1.1


I see 4 settings related to standard deviation in timeseries builder.


Extended aggregation also returns 4 results. Variance , std_deviation, std_deviation_bounds (upper and lower)

GET validation_result/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "stats": {
      "extended_stats": {
        "field": "validation.amount",
        "sigma": "0"


  "aggregations" : {
    "stats" : {
      "count" : 152,
      "min" : 0.0,
      "max" : 16.0,
      "avg" : 2.0789473684210527,
      "sum" : 316.0,
      "sum_of_squares" : 2516.0,
      "variance" : 12.23060941828255,
      "std_deviation" : 3.4972288198347203,
      "std_deviation_bounds" : {
        "upper" : 2.0789473684210527,
        "lower" : 2.0789473684210527

However,some of the terminology in kibana does not match from aggregation result.

Is below understanding correct ?

  1. Raw = std_deviation
  2. Bounds Band = variance

Yu Watanabe

Bounds Band displays both Upper bound and Lower bound.

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