The memory required for elastic search server for uninterrupted usage of kibana dashboard

We are using servers of 16 GB memory but since open JDK in elatsic search is consuming about 50% memory in our server almost 13 GB it is showing as used. So beacuse of this we are getting error while loading kibana URL "the server is not ready yet' After server rebooting we could see the memory got felldown to 11.4 GB and we were able to load KIbana URL. Could you please suggest how can this issue be fixed

Kibana has a default of 1 GB allocated, but that can be changed, it's not recommended to go lower than that. Suggestion would be to lower the ES allocation or to move Kibana to a separate host (this is the recommended way of doing it). You usage is very to the limit and it can easily hit that 16GB cap with the normal OS overhead.

How to lower ES allocation could you please tell me the steps

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