Kibana instance in the stack monitoring section shows Memory: 1.9/4.0 GB
Is that the memory given to the entire kibana instance????
Can I increase this limit as the total RAM server got is 64 GB....

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Why do you think you need to increase it?

coz sometimes it goes up to 99% and coz I have more resources available so why not properly utilize it?
what are you suggesting?

Well unless you have issues with how it's responding etc, I wouldn't be too worried.

thanks Mark,
umm actually dashboards take a little time to load (10-12 seconds when the timestamp is Last 15 minutes)
and I'm not sure what should I do to get them to load quickly except that no issues.

Ok that could be Elasticsearch, so it might be worth creating a new topic over there and we can dig into it :slight_smile:

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by any chance can disk storage at 90% affect these to load???

Unlikely, no.

Alrighty, Thanks Mark.

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